This day went passed with typing in the latest news from Sarajevo and wondering how I was able to do this, typing the stupid numbers into this stupid computer, I could remove dead by using the backspace. I could put higher numbers, but what would be the sense of it.
The HOS militia held there announce 10 of April remembering day, in 1941 the NAZI created the state Croatia and the HOS militia held a nice party in their building, a few thousand people came and listened to their stories. To stop the use of the amplifier the Town Council put the whole block out of electricity and our office is in that same block, so for 3 hours we could not do anything. We need laptops to overcome those situation and modems to make nodes in Sarajevo; they are running out of fax paper over there.
Original Footer (all information (email, bank, telefonnr)) are old !!!)
"Zagreb Diary" can be found on a lot of different electronic networks, it is copyright free and can be ported to any network or other means of communication you like, but please drop my a line, you can reach by sending a message to . Zagreb Diary is dedicated to Tyche, Pjort and Rik, so that they found out what there father have been doing all that time in Zagreb.
Financial support for Grassroot relief work in Croatia or BiH can be send to Kollektief Rampenplan (atn. Lylette, Postbox 780, 6130 AN Sittard, Netherlands, tel:. +31-46-524803 and fax: +31-46-516460 or to Zagrebacka Banka, Zagreb, accountnr.: xxxxxxxxx, to Kat, Pieter Jan
Herman Fredrik, Brace Domany 6 6fl nr3 (postbox 33), 41000 Zagreb.
Please notify me if you send or have send any donations.
Old numbers can be found by sending a message's with as subject
"FILES" to, to order a file send a
message with subject "SEND " to same address.
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